What My Dog Loves

There are only 4 things I am certain that my dog loves:
– My husband
– Ice cream
– Ground beef
– Walking in creeks

He will however tolerate hiking with me, which is something I love. As Spring has been morphing into full-on summer we have been going for hikes in the woods above my cousin’s farm. It’s quickly becoming too overgrown with summer life to be passable, but in the short intervening time we’re enjoying trying to get lost in a world becoming more violently green by the day. While I can’t be sure because like I said, I’m only certain my dog loves four things… I think he also loves the leashless freedom of wandering woods where we won’t be disturbed. Except for maybe by bears.

If you’re lucky enough to have a place to go in the woods and be alone (with or without your furry friend) you should do it. Be safe, wear bug spray that repels ticks and tuck your pants into your socks like a loser. Lyme disease is no joke, guys. And remember if you think you see a bear say “HEY BEAR!” Because you don’t want to startle a bear.