What Have I Really Learned?

This week we got snow. Just when I had the hope it was all going to be over. 

This week I learned first aid (again) and CPR for the first time.

This week I wondered, what have I actually learned? During First Aid training I remembered some things from Wilderness First Aid. Does that mean I learned them? If an emergency comes will I remember it then? What have I actually learned in my life? What are the things that I am carrying with me that I KNOW with certainty? 

This week I thought about all that it takes to keep us alive. You need a heart that pumps, veins, arteries, cells, electricity, lungs, oxygen, trees, water, gravity, a world. Even a world that snows in March just when you start having the hope that it won’t anymore. 

If I have only learned one thing it’s that life is precarious and it is marvelous.