The Human With A Plan

Without a plan I am lost. Like really lost. I wander aimlessly, I pick stuff up and put it down. I look into the refrigerator, searching for answers I know aren’t there. I am paralyzed by too many choices for what to do that I most often do nothing. 

Don’t worry, I know there is something wrong with me.

This is why I always have a plan, for days, for weeks, I plan ahead and I re-plan as needed when things change. But sometimes even the best laid plans, well, they fall apart.

Like this weekend when I had planned trips to the trampoline park, arcade, roller skating rink, playgrounds and Disney movie nights with my nieces. And then they all came down with a stomach bug. No thank you.

I wish I could say I was able to just pivot, have a back up plan. But I didn’t. I had one foot up in the air and instead of pivoting, I stumbled.

And I’m trying to realize that’s ok, too. Instead of the usual noise I fill my days with, I had quiet. I sat with my thoughts, spent a little time just talking with a friend. I worked on a tapestry, and on Sunday I had a really excellent climbing day at the gym.

Maybe these days aren’t ones I will remember for the rest of my life but they were entirely my life and I am grateful for them.