School’s Out For Summer

It’s been years since I was in school (11 to be exact) but each year around this time I start to get that feeling. 

You know the one.

The one where you look outside at those beautiful blue skies and you feel a physical ache somewhere in your chest. 

The one where you don’t hear a word the teacher is saying because your ears are filled with the hum of bees and leaves in the trees and peepers chirping. 

The one where your whole body has restless leg syndrome.

The one where your skin feels two sizes too small and you might come pouring out of it at any moment.

That’s right. It’s the I NEED IT TO BE SUMMER VACATION feeling. 

It’s been 11 years since I’ve had the cure for this feeling and I wonder if there will ever be a year that the feeling doesn’t come. For now what I have are the weekends and filling them as full of the joy of summer vacation as I can. Maybe someday I’ll live in a world (or at least a country) that believes in summer vacation for adults too.