Pleasantly Tired

There are so many different kinds of tired. There’s the semi-delusional I Haven’t Slept in Days kind. There’s the kind where everything is funny even though it’s really not. There’s the kind of tired you feel at work, you know, when you’re inexplicably tired all day until the clock strikes 4 and you’re suddenly not anymore.

There’s the kind of tired when you’re sick, the tired when you’re sad, the tired of a bad day, the tired of a day spent outside breathing nothing but fresh air.

And then there’s Pleasantly Tired. This is a rare tired that comes from a day well done, items marked off a to do list and time spent having fun. It’s the tired of a good night sleep followed by an un-harried day doing exactly what you need to.

It’s going to bed on a Sunday feeling satisfied like a drink of water when you’re really thirsty.

It’s rock climbing after a month away, it’s embroidery projects while sitting in the sun with your dog, it’s snowshoeing in a park with new friends and putting a messy house back in order.