Learning To Fall

A new thought was given to me this week.

The thought was that falling is an essential part of rock climbing. In general I spend most of my climbing time trying not to fall or even thinking about falling. This new thought means I have to accept the consequences of my actions. My actions being the fight against gravity and the fact that this fight necessarily involves falling.

Accepting the consequences of my actions means not blacking out the fall, and instead being present for it. So I practiced. I fell on purpose. Over and over. The tricks are these:

One: Breathe out. Or yell. 

Get all of the air out. This will also help you not get the wind knocked out of you.

Two: Look down. 

The body goes where the eyes go. Know where you’re going

Three: Relax.

Don’t tense up, keep loose and keep your arms out and up, your legs bouncy.
