How long is an hour?

I usually get to the climbing area an hour before it opens. Because well… you Gotta get the best climbs. 

Waiting today for that hour to run down I was struck by how fast an hour goes by these days. As a kid, an hour seemed like an ETERNITY. Now though, it’s gone in a blink.

I wonder now if that’s why I find so much joy in suffering through hard things. It slows it all down.

And there was suffering today, but mostly the disappointment kind. As we got the climbs set up it started to rain. When we went to move the climbs it started to pour. I slid down a slippery rock on my elbows and we had to call it a day. On the way home I sang to myself.

Don’t the hours grow shorter as the days go by?
We never get to stop and open our eyes
One minute you’re waiting for the sky to fall
And next you’re dazzled by the beauty of it all
– Barenaked Ladies, Lovers in a Dangerous Time