Goals, A Final Draft

I hope you had a Happy New Year. I spent New Years Eve playing Quidditch Pong with my husband and New Years Day walking the empty streets of Corning, NY with my Mom.

Saturday I celebrated Christmas with my immediate family and met my new niece for the first time. We opened presents and ate a ton of junk food which was a rough start to all those healthier 2021 goals. 

So I don’t know how you made out with making your goals for 2021 but for me, this is the first year I don’t really know what I want. I feel like I’m not sure of my own direction any more. Things I used to consider essential are no longer that important. I think part of the problem is that I had such high hopes for 2020 that were absolutely crushed by the pandemic. I don’t know what is safe to hope or plan for in the coming year. I guess my goals come with the qualifier “barring unprecedented circumstances” but here are the highlights:

  1. Drink one glass of water before every meal.
  2. 52 Microadventures – 1 per week (examples include things like going sledding, having dinner cooked on a campfire, and having a camp out in the back yard)
  3. Pay off school loans (already figured out what I need to pay a month to accomplish this)
  4. Hike 4 high peaks (Tentatively planning on Street, Nye, Phelps, and Tabletop)
  5. Wilderness first aid class (either at BU or through NOLS in Phillipsburg, Pennsylvania, Apr 10, 2021-Apr 11, 2021)
  6. Sign up for Cornell Outdoor Extension Women’s Rock Climbing class if it opens up to the public in the summer, fall, or winter semester (not available for Spring)
  7. 1 drawing a day (have a book called 642 things to draw to keep me on track)

Good luck this year, everyone.