
So the week between Christmas and New Years I like to take a little time to make goals for the New Year. These aren’t New Year Resolutions, mind you, more like corporate goals for things I’d like to achieve. And just in case you think I’m kidding, I’m not. I seriously do this every year. Now I learned my goal setting skills from a previous job and these are the rules I follow:

Goals must be SMART:
S = Specific… it can’t be a vague goal like “get fit”
M = Measurable… there has to be a way to track whether or not you accomplish the goal or are succeeding
A = Achievable… it has to be something that you can actually do
R = Relevant… have goals that are actually meaningful to you
T = Timely… set a time limit 

If you want to get even deeper into your corporate planning session, you can start with these categories to help you on your way. Set goals for these areas of your life:

Career, Financial, Education, Family, Artistic, Attitude, Physical, Fun, Public service. The best way to start is with a vague idea that you then work on making SMART. 

Now if you’re still stuck, try thinking of the big picture. Where do you want to go in your life? Once you consider this, break it out into small things you can do to achieve this larger big picture you have in mind.

I know, that got deep. 

But give it a try. It’s a good way to start the year focusing on what you want and how you can get it. What I want for 2021, is more days like this.

Happy New Year!