Don’t Wait

Sometimes I feel like I spent years waiting on someone or something. These days I try not to. These days if I want to do a thing, I just do it, with or without someone to do it with.  This is hard.  I know we are pack animals at heart, but I think about all […]

Garden, Again

It’s early for a garden. But it’s time for us. We can’t wait anymore. We’ve been planting gardens nearly every year we’ve been together. Summers in the finger lakes were our most successful crops. We had so much zucchini we were leaving bags of it on people’s doorsteps. One guy caught us and told us […]

Don’t Buy Food From Strangers – Visit Your Local Farmer’s Market

I don’t know if it’s still hipster to love Farmer’s Markets… but I love Farmer’s Markets. I know it costs more money than going to the grocery store, but there’s something about handing real people money in exchange for things that belong to them is just… I don’t know. Liberating? It feels real and beautiful. […]