An Awful Kind of Wonderful

The thing about having adventures is that they’re really kind of awful. Think about it, Luke Skywalker loses his family, his mentors, his hand. Frodo had a really bad time of it, those Narnia kids ended up as kings and queens, sure, but it was a tough go to get there. Adventures just aren’t fun. 

So why are they so damn appealing?

I had an awful-wonderful weekend. I drove 2 hours to rural New Jersey to stay in a cabin without running water. When I got there I went for a glorious 3 mile hike on the Appalachian Trail but couldn’t find the rock climbing area I was looking for. So I turned around and had an anxious 3 mile hike back on a trail called “Rattlesnake Swamp” accompanied by the sound of pattering rain on thick rhododendron leaves, gathering dusk and a rapidly growing blister on my right big toe. 

No rattlesnakes were seen at this time.

Saturday I spent the day in a wilderness first aid class where I was WELL outside my comfort zone, the entire time.

Just as the class was ending, there was a crack of thunder and a torrential downpour began. I was soaked by the time I walked back to my cabin. But my day wasn’t done yet.

I walked the half mile back to my car in the steady rain and drove out of rural New Jersey and into rural Pennsylvania. I got checked in for my Moonlight rafting tour in the still pouring rain, and got suited up in a wet suit and life jacket. The rafting was wonderful as the rain had finally stopped and the fireflies came out and we were all together in rafts, floating alone in the world. 

The rapids were fun though tamer than I had hoped for. The mosquitoes were awful. The wet plunge back toward dry land was the last straw. I was exhausted, cold, had been sort of wet for 7 hours now and had an hour drive back to my cabin for the night. 

By a miracle I arrived safely and had a hot shower and dropped into bed at 3am where I remained completely unaware for the few hours until my alarm went off for class early the next day.

And yes it was all awful and yes it was wonderful. I’m not sure how it can be both things but I know I wouldn’t trade it for an easy day at the office or even a quiet day kicking around the house.