Feed Your Soul to Feel Less Tired

On Saturday I went to the gym and climbed from 4-8pm.

On Sunday I went to the gym and climbed from 2-4pm and then worked there from 4-8pm.

On Tuesday I went to the gym and climbed from 6:30-9pm. I also practiced lead climbing for the first time since passing my lead test. It was perfect.

All of these photos are from Tuesday because in general you can’t take photos while climbing. It’s sort of a “needs 4 hands to operate” activity so you need a third person to wield a camera.

Why did I do all of this climbing? Well… people asked me to. And I can’t bring myself to say no to a question like that even though I’m honestly pretty tired.

Not physically tired, mind you, although by the third round of climbing I felt it. My body will still do the things I ask it to. It will walk with my dog, run a mile on the treadmill, perform well in kickboxing class, and it will climb. And keep climbing. 

But I’m tired. I read a quote by Brooke Hampton that sums it up pretty well for me “No, we don’t need more sleep. It’s our souls that are tired, not our bodies. We need nature. We need magic. We need adventure. We need freedom. We need truth. We need stillness. We don’t need more sleep, we need to wake up and live.”

So that is why I say yes and keep climbing and hope that eventually my soul will have enough of everything it needs to not be tired anymore.