I feel like adult conversations are totally passionless. We talk about our jobs, kids, the weather, the state of the lawn. And I do this too, don’t get me wrong, but I feel like I’m full of so much more, and maybe you are too?

I was thinking on Friday about how I wanted to learn ukulele. Badly. Then I wondered “why am I like this?” Why do I get so full of the desire to do things? Stupid things, sometimes. To name a few:

Lock picking, learning to speak Spanish, slacklining, juggling, hula hooping, rock climbing, running, kickboxing, axe throwing, hiking all 46 high peaks, jewelry making, gardening, canning food, and so on and so on. 

Sometimes these things stick (rock climbing, Kickboxing) and sometimes they don’t (juggling 🤦). Maybe that’s ok, though? Maybe a life full of passionately wanting to do things makes a full life? Maybe I can give myself permission to follow my every stupid whim, keep what works and let the rest go?

And maybe instead of talking about my job I can tell you about my newest weird hobby and you can tell me what has you excited to get up in the morning and maybe I’ll play you a song on my ukulele.

And just maybe we’ll all be a little better for it.

Also I maybe want to learn how to longboard, but only if I can find this specific longboard.