Not Even A Little Bit Fun

My insides are trying to crawl to my outsides. I’m sure you’re all feeling this. No? Just me? Maybe a less gruesome description is, I have cabin fever. Are we on the same page now?

So I had to get out.

Me and the dog tried Hickories Park in Owego. It was loaded with other dog walkers which was absolutely shocking considering that it was 9am and FREEZING. Seriously. In about 5 minutes my hands were screaming agony. In 5 minutes more, so was the rest of me. The dog did not seem affected and so I conclude he is immune to the cold. Or dumb. I made it 15 minutes.

Hickories Park feels desolate in the winter. There are very few trees, the paths were maybe actually roads. There’s a dog park.

My cabin fever was not cured, my insides are still trying to scratch their way out. What does everyone else do to quiet the monster that needs to get out before Spring is ready to arrive?