Drinking the Marie Kondo Kool-Aid

I love the words “Spark Joy”. It reminds me of bonfires and that feeling you get on a long, warm night that makes you feel like you can live forever.

I felt like it was time to make some space in my life and Marie Kondo has some pretty good ideas on this. I will give you just a brief summary.bThe idea is that in order to tidy, you must first decide why you want to tidy and have an end picture in mind, and then you must discard anything that doesn’t “spark joy”. Here is my final picture, it’s not exact but the idea is only the essential. The idea is being able to live with only what you need, to be able to go where you want. To be free. 

So the Konmarie method recommends this order for discarding:

  1. Clothes
  2. Books
  3. Papers
  4. Miscellaneous
  5. Momentos

Last weekend I did clothes, this weekend I’m doing books. This has proven to be a lot harder because on the one hand books are a lot of weight to carry around, but on the other hand, there are whole worlds in books and that is a small weight for something so grand. All I have to do is drink the kool aid, hold each book in my hand and see if it gives me that feeling of living forever. 

I guess the obvious important point in all this is just as simple as asking yourself what makes you happy.

So… what makes you happy?