Give Me That Lumpy Hand-Knitted Hat!

Let me just put it out to the world that I love a homemade Christmas gift. Like to the point that I feel it should be a requirement. No more fancy, expensive crap for Christmas, save that for birthdays, homemade items only. If only I thought myself capable of revolutions, I would spearhead this one, and maybe run for political office. However I don’t know how one runs for a political office and I don’t know how to start a resolution, so I’m just going to leave this idea here.

I may be speaking from an unfair advantage because I do have many marketable skills that would aid in this homemade Christmas gift revolution. I can knit, for example, sew, draw, paint, bake, and I own a vinyl cutter, which itself is an unfair advantage. 

I think that the problem is that people who make gifts (even really nice ones) probably feel insecure about it. You’re literally giving a piece of yourself away and you’re worried about how that will be perceived, will the person receiving the gift think you’re just being cheap? Even I don’t really like to give homemade gifts for those reasons, unfair advantages and all. 

Anyway, I know I won’t talk anyone into this, but I do want everyone to know that if you want to make me a present and instead of buying me a present I will deeply appreciate it. I will understand the care, thought, and time that went into it, and those are things that can’t be bought.