Guys, I have a confession to make.

I’m one of those people that LOVES Christmas. Like by the time October hits, I’m ready for the decorations, the tree, the music, and entirely too many cookies. I plan my Christmas shopping all year long. I drink what can only be considered an inappropriate amount of eggnog from mid-November until mid-January.

All that said, my husband insists that we celebrate Thanksgiving before any Christmas celebrating can start. This means Black Friday is Christmas Day 1. On Christmas day 1 this year we celebrated by going to kill a tree.

I always feel a little guilty about this tradition and eventually plan to invest in a fake tree. But this year I offered up a little prayer to the woodland gods that the sacrifice of this tree may give us all a better year ahead than the one behind. Who knows? The whole tree thing is a pagan tradition after all. Evergreen trees were used to celebrate the winter solstice with the idea that longer days and living things would soon be coming back to the world. And let’s face it, we could all use a little more light and life for 2021.

Happy Holidays, whatever you’re celebrating this season!