Dumb Adventure Time

Sometimes you just need to go on an adventure. Even if it’s a dumb one. 

If you’ve been following along you know that me and my husband bought a travel trailer over the summer. We’re hoping to be able to travel more often and with a pandemic in full swing, what safer way is there to travel then to bring your house with you? No hotels, no AirBNBs, no pet fees to bring our dog along. Ok maybe sometimes there will be pet fees. 

The trouble is if you aren’t staying at a place with electric hooks-ups, then you won’t have any power. So we started looking for a generator. By we, I mean my husband and he found one that met our needs, which were these:

  1. Quiet enough to run in a campsite and not annoy people
  2. Can run everything in the trailer that we need it to run 
  3. Lightweight enough that should the need arise, one of us could lift it into the truck without help

That last one was the most difficult need to meet. And even this “lightweight” one is nearly 80 pounds. Now I’m not saying I can easily lift an 80 pound generator into the back of a truck, but I will say odds are better I can lift that over a 150 pound generator.

Here’s the trouble, though; this generator costs $2,400 new. And that is just too much money. So we started looking for a used one. After a couple of failed attempts at buying a used one, we finally found one. In Maryland. 

So you guessed guys. We both got out of work a little early and we drove four hours to Maryland, through 4 states, picked up a used generator, and then turned around and drove back. It was about 11pm (on a work night) when we got home and I was absolutely exhausted but the whole thing was kind of fun. It was a stupid adventure, but it is always nice to break the routine.