A Sunday for Painting

I could draw for as long as I can remember. I don’t know if this is because I was gifted with some innate talent or if one day someone told me I drew well and I just took it so much to heart that I drew incessantly and so eventually was able to do it well. 

Either way I met acrylic paints when I was in eleventh grade and it turned out I was quite good at those too. This was my first painting (I won an award for it):

circa 2006-ish

I guess you could say the rest was history. Much to my parent’s eye-rolling, I went to art school. I don’t paint or draw very much any more. I don’t seem to have the time for it. This alone is strange since I don’t remember a moment growing up when I didn’t have a sketchbook handy. Adulthood takes so much from us. This Sunday was quiet, rainy, my car is receiving new tires, and I found myself alone and with free time? I shudder even to think of such a thing, thankfully I have a to-do list that never gets any shorter. 

Let’s segue into dog paintings. During the pandemic shut down I did a painting for a family friend of her dog, just because the photo of her dog was beautiful. She asked me to paint her other dogs. So I did.

In September she asked me to paint her Grandma’s dog. And so this quiet, rainy Sunday I did that too. It’s not finished yet. Hopefully there will be another quiet Sunday soon.