Nothing Went Right, But That’s Alright.

Do you ever feel like things just aren’t going that well? Not like they’re going wrong, exactly, these are all absolutely stupid first world problems. It’s just that sometimes I feel things could be going more smoothly. 

Like you go to the farm where they have the world’s best apple cider donuts, but they are out of the cinnamon sugar kind, and the plain ones are ok but you only eat these donuts once a year and you want better than ok.

Or like you have a Cousin Christmas/Family Reunion celebration in September because you’re hoping for good weather and also there’s a pandemic so you don’t fancy waiting until December to see how bad things are going to get. And then the weather forecasts a high of 58 and three of your family members can’t come, and your cousin who just had a new baby had one child barfing the whole car ride from Buffalo and one child screaming the whole car ride, and your Dad is miserable because he has a toothache, and then by a combination of events you don’t have a ride home, and then you have 2 rides home and you feel bad that they both went out of their way for you. 

Or like you take your dog for a hike and he poops on the trail about 2 minutes in and you have to go back to the car for poop bags and then you get back on the trail and walk for about 5 minutes past your first stop and he doesn’t want to go any farther so you just turn back and go home and didn’t really enjoy a minute of it.

Or like you buy some late season raspberries from a farm stand on the side of the road and discover once you get back to the house that you’ve somehow got smashed raspberries all up your back and all down your pants. 

Or like you’re late getting home to meet a friend because you’re waiting to say goodbye to your mom and she’s running late and having a tough morning because it’s the two year anniversary of your grandma passing away so you really can’t be annoyed about it.

I know, I know, dumb first world problems, and I’m not complaining because overall it was a wonderful weekend. Nothing really went right, but it was all alright.