Too Many Vegetables

I have too many fresh vegetables.

Really, I’m kind of stressing about it.

It’s my own fault, there’s something about fresh vegetables in the summer that makes me snatch magpie like an anything green as if it were gold. Not only did I sign up for a CSA (Community-supported agriculture) crop share, I also ordered a bunch of stuff from an organization that delivers products from local farmers.

All told I now have roughly 1 pound each of the following:
Sugar peas
Snow peas
Yellow squash

Poke bowl with all my veggies

1 bunch mint
1 bunch garlic scapes
1 bunch scallions
SO MUCH Lettuce

Mint Tea stewing in a French Press

I used you also have:
2 baby bok choy
3 stalks rhubarb

I have 2 rapidly growing leaf lettuce plants in my greenhouse, along with much less prolific spinach and kale plants, 3 bell peppers whose leaves are being eaten faster than they can grow back, 3 cucumbers that are struggling along sadly, 5 tomatoes of varying success, a strawberry that is looking unlikely to bear fruit until sometime this fall, and a parsley that has turned into a small bamboo-like forest in its back corner.

It’s wonderful. I love that things grow and you can eat them. I don’t know if you’ve ever had a fresh grown tomato, but I can tell you that things you buy in the grocery store IN NO WAY resemble how a tomato should taste. Fresh tomatoes taste like summer afternoons. 

If you can’t grow your own tomatoes (you definitely should though) then try for a small herb garden. Growing things is the best.