Outside is Better

For mothers day I was supposed to take my mom for a socially distanced walk. But then it was 30 degrees and snowing. In May. For Mother’s Day. 

So we had a redo this weekend. It’s the first time I’ve seen my parents in a while because of Coronavirus and all that. We took advantage of the nicer weather and spent most of our time outside. 

We walked my grandparents’ land (that has now passed to my cousin), something I haven’t done in years. It was smaller than I remembered. I remember it as a vast forest that one could easily get lost in. Reality is that it is just a small track of trees. Walk far enough in any direction and you will come to a road. It’s less than two miles to walk the loop from the hill where me and my husband got married to a stand of pines that my uncle planted years ago and are now towering monstrosities at the top of a hill, and back again. 

After our hike we picked up my nieces and took them to the lake to fish. At ages 2 and 4 they were interested in fishing for approximately 5 minutes. 

Afterwards we took the girls back to my parents house and grilled dinner. It was wonderful to be outside and breathe.