How to find more time for sleeping in

I have less than 65 hours each week in which to live. The other 103 hours are taken up by work, sleep, eating, dog walking, showers, chores, and all the other miscellaneous tasks of being an adult in this world and this time. 

And you know what I think all the time? 

Monkeys just get to live here for free.

Also what I think all the time is that I just wish there was more of it. I wish for so much more time. More time for lazy days sleeping in, more time for long hikes, more time for sitting outside watching the fireflies pop, more time for early starts and grand adventures, more time for gardening and fresh summer food and nighttime dog walks that don’t feel like a chore. 

Instead, I have to prioritize. I have less than 65 hours in a week, and every choice on where to spend that time means giving up something else. I wonder if it will ever get easier to not do all the things I want to do. I wonder if I will ever catch up on all the sleep I don’t get in order to do just one more thing.