Treadmill Torture Device

Well it happened.

The weather turned.

I guess I ran out of my “one more perfect day to climb outside” cache for the year.

You know what I keep thinking about though? It’s how productive I get when faced with a morning run on the treadmill. Seriously, it’s like, gotta fold that laundry, empty this dishwasher, alphabetize the soups in the cupboard, dust the bookshelf, water the plants, wash the dog bowls, vacuum the carpet, clean the coffee maker, reorganize the Tupperware and then darn it, all of a sudden there’s no time to run.

I actually think I might be on to something here, guys. Maybe this is the key to getting through all those everyday things I never find the time for, threaten me with the treadmill.

Fun side note though, a quick Google of the words “treadmill torture device” turned up this quote from a site called Daily JSTOR: “Two hundred years ago, the treadmill was invented in England as a prison rehabilitation device. It was meant to cause the incarcerated to suffer and learn from their sweat. It would mill a bit of corn or pump some water as a bonus.’

So that sounds about right