What Did You Say?

I am trying to do a better job at listening to myself. The trouble is, I know my brain is a liar. It says things like “we can’t” or “we don’t have anything of value to give” or “wouldn’t it just be better to stay in bed for an extra 30 minutes instead of going for a run?”

That last one might be true.

But it is also a lie.

Still, I’m trying to listen when my body says things like “I’m too tired to take on anything else” or “I need a break” or “my shoulder hurts, I should stop climbing and stretch instead.”

But how do you know what are the things you should listen to, and what things are just negative self-talk? How do you know when you’re really tired or when you’re just making excuses? 

While I’m figuring it out I expect to make mistakes along the way. Like this week when I worked extra at my day job to work an evening at the Cornell Hoffman Challenge Course, knowing full well that I was also going to be covering teaching kickboxing this week, that it was going to be a beautiful week, full of yard work and long walks with the dog.

But here we are, with a sore shoulder, too late at night, still needing to walk the dog, and wondering if I’m learning yet.